Mental Health is more than just a hashtag

Combat the blue mood

Many life experiences (meals, movies, laughs, shopping, travel, etc.) are enhanced when shared with others. Why then, do so many people choose to make fitness a solitary mission? Exercising as a group has many health and additional benefits for each person in the group as well as for the group. If you find yourself struggling to act ‘normal’ (whatever that means), are tired in the day but can’t sleep at night then your mental health may be suffering. You are not alone. A little exercise can do wonders for us and can even change our whole outlook on life. Who doesn’t want that?

While competition is not explicitly built-in to standard Survivor Bootcamp sessions, humans can be competitive by nature. You’ll find yourself working harder to reach your goals as nobody likes to lose face by cheating on exercises or by giving less than 100% effort. Don’t confuse this with ‘comparison’ though, that is NOT what our trainers encourage . Comparing yourself to others on a photoshopped Instagram post is a sure way to feel crappy . Your trainer is here to help make sure that you set realistic goals and focus your efforts on achieving them. We are here to help you along the way!

Finally, don’t underestimate the social experience of group training; many lifelong friendships are developed in bootcamp. The shared experience of working-out, getting sweaty and spent and doing that one last burpee before cooling down, makes it easy to bond with others. You’ll find that when you make lifestyle changes, you’ll want to spend more time with people that also make healthy choices. This makes bootcamp a great source for new friendships (and even new relationships!) You’ll meet all kinds of people from different woks of life and we do our best to modify exercises for those with pre-existing conditions. All are welcome!

So, if you are finding it hard to keep your fitness on track or finding your mental health suffering lately,  get yourself in a group program and enjoy the motivation and camaraderie that it offers! Accountability will keep you FIT and healthy! We all know that health is wealth! See you soon dear friends.

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The Georgia Straight’s Best of Vancouver Reader’s Choice award winner for Best Boot Camp / Outdoor-Training Program